Takeisha Rayson
It seems like a decade since I have posted a blog. I hope that you haven't abandoned me, much like I have abonded you. I have to say that it has been an exciting, exhausting, challenging, and liberating couple of months. As I work to keep my focus on my impending novel completion date (August 26th), I also work to traverse down open roads that will take my seemingly ordinary life into the extraordinary. With that said, I am trying something new. Videos. I will act as my own self-imposed paparazzi with the means to capture moments in my life for your viewing and learning pleasure. I initially started videos for my hair care and then with the idea looming in my head from my dear friend Jen, I thought why not start capturing my life.

I expect the first couple of video post to have much room for improvement, but just bare with me as my vision will broaden to provide you with real life insight, advice, and connections as I make them myself!

Okay, so with this first post, I would like to formally announce to you, my friends, that I recently accepted an offer as a manager of Communications and Organizational Change Management with Sony Pictures Entertainment! (scream) Take a look at the beginning of my journey...

3 Responses
  1. Keelonnie Says:

    I am so so so proud of you Keish! I'm so excited and it's not even my good news. LMBO Anyhow, I wish you all the best, hope my little prayers and encouragement had a pinch of influence on your gargantuan consignment of blessings. Love ya much Keish, can't wait to celebrate!

    P.S. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! ~~jumping up and down~~

  2. Anonymous Says:

    again congrats! and remember that you've always been extraordinary, regardless of your job title or financial situation!


  3. Unknown Says:

    How COOL!! can't wait to see more...