Takeisha Rayson
Even though I have been writing about a host of things for this blog and amp'ing up my freelance writing career, I would like to remind you, and myself for that matter, of my purpose for starting this blog in the first place - completing my novel. I intended for this blog page to be the catalyst for getting me back in the groove of the creative writing process and it has. And, unbeknownst to me, it has done so much more. I set out to complete a major and life changing goal while letting you in on this journey, and this has made me accountable to not only myself, but to you my dear friends. Are you rooting for me? Will I disappoint you? Will I disappoint myself? These are all the questions circulating in my mind.

I am down to double digits, if you notice my countdown clock on my page, and it's actually a bit exhilarating and scary. Some days, the story of my novel flows free and effortless. Other days, pushing out the words is a struggle. But isn't that like most things in life? Sometimes, when I make it through a strenuous writing session, the next day, I feel that much more accomplished as a writer and that much more determined to forge my way through. Am I writing the most eloquent of prose, will my novel...my story be like a strike of lightening? Who knows? But, will I finally get the ability to say that I have accomplished what I set out to accomplish, definitely. I will have done this with perks along the way.

I got back in touch with some old friends over the recent weeks and I think that they were a bit surprised to see the person that I turned out to be. One friend knew of the dreams that I rattled off as a high school student and he told me that I am doing just what I talked about doing way back then. This made me think. Yes, I am. I am writing, I am traveling a bit, I am getting to go to events that I have dreamed of going, I am enjoying memorable moments with friends, and I am even driving the vehicle that I have wanted since high school. On a day-to-day basis, I hadn't realized the realizations of my dreams were already here. No, I am not a household name, yet. No, I don't have millions in my bank account, yet. No, I haven't produced a best-selling work of prose, yet. But if I speak it and believe it, I shall receive it...just like I have received everything else. It comes down to recognizing the progress you have made, being thankful for it, and continuing to work toward what you intend on doing.

With that said, I would like to draw your attention to the final three articles posted from my Palm Springs trip and let you know that I may be attending another media tour in Cancun next week. Do I foresee a future as a Travel Writer...perhaps. But what I do see is the request of my presence to many more exotic locations!

Read my articles from Palm Springs:

Day One Article

Day Two Article

Day Three Article - The cool thing about this day is that I met the creator of this little invention called "The Rack Trap" which has been featured on the Wendy Williams Show. The creator is also a PR Manager for magazine's Vibe and Upscale...she already has given me contact with the Wendy Williams Show and collaboration opportunities abound!

Day Four Article

Thank you for all your continued support, feedback, and observation!
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    accountability! and cancun! i'm saying my prayers for ya dearest!

  2. Unknown Says:

    The Rack Trap is awesome! Gotta get me one.