Takeisha Rayson
I've always heard that you shouldn't look to people or things to make you happy. Happiness should come from a place within, from the most high, but we should never rely on some one or some thing to "make" us happy. Although I agree with this thought, I have to point out that God works through people and if He is working through us, then we have the capability to make people happy and uplift their spirits or make them miserable and break down their spirits. Yes, a person shouldn't rely on the nature of another to be happy, BUT that person should be able to rely on the fact that you will not make them miserable, if you are suppose to be in a friendship or any other relationship with them.

Friend, love, and family relationships can be complex at times. But, through the complexity of it all, I feel that it is vital for individuals to check themselves and make sure that they aren't consciously or sub-consciously breaking down the spirit of another. The power of your smile, your attitude, or your embrace can physically change a person. Do you realize how much power we all hold? Do you realize how much power we have to change people, environments, ourselves?

Although we don't NEED anyone to make us happy, how about trying to make others happy...the return will be a much happier world.
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    I agree when you make another person happy it is really a gift to yourself.