Takeisha Rayson

"Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things."

Over the last couple weeks, a lot of new things have happened in my life…Things that have, unfortunately, kept me away from blogging, twittering, facebooking, and dare I say writing! However, these "things" haven't kept me away from active thought processes and, in fact, have triggered my thoughts on perception. I've always wondered what people truly thought of me. So much so, that I use to let other's view of me dictate how I felt about myself. What I hadn't really thought about is the very idea of perception. The above quote states, "Perception is strong and sight weak." People usually are looking at things, situations, even you, with the naked eye. They are not looking at "distant things as if they were close" neither are they "taking a distanced view of close things." What impact does this have on the very idea of perception? Well, it can cause you to make unclear and ill-founded judgments that limit your ability to live in the infinite possibility of things and people.

I have to admit, that I have always thought of myself as fabulous. Even in the midst of my self-doubt, there was this internal voice screaming at me, "Do you know who you are? Do you know how much God has in store for you?" Yes, I was often perplexed by what I knew deep down was within me vs. the limiting views of others. At times, I didn't know whether I should step out and saunter down the catwalk or be a recluse buried beneath the covers of my bed. Now, I have come to find a happy median between the two, not always feeling my supreme best, but not always wanting to hide from the world. Through my ability to be myself, be the best me that I can be, I have managed to turn many of my naysayers into perceivers of the limitless.

Recently, I started a new contract position and within my first couple days, I had a few people tell me how much I looked like another person on the job. They said that we "looked like twins" and asked if we were related in some capacity. I knew the person that they spoke of and really didn't think that we looked alike if you took off the fact that we are both of the same complexion and maybe around the same height. So, why would these people equate me to this person so vehemently? I really started to get irritated by their proclamations. Not just because I thought it wasn't true, but because I felt that they were summing the whole of me based on someone else. "From a distance, you look just like her," one of ladies said. Well, I wanted to say, "Take a closer look because I am my own person." Is that how others see me, I started the think. If so, that is totally different than how I view myself. Their view of me started to make me back-track to a place of uncertainty. That was until I saw this quote and realized just how warped all of our sight can be.

Another example of not perceiving as one should is making choices and taking action based on the thoughts of naysayers and failures of the past. "We shouldn't do this because the last time that someone tried to do this it didn't work." Huh? Excuse me, but I don't operate or conduct my life based on the past failures of myself or others. You can't let the limited views of others limit the possibilities of your life. You can't just look at things, people, circumstances with the naked eye; you have to be able to allow yourself to see further and deeper into the infinite possibility of life…into the infinite possibility of you.

-Why Not Today?
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    great post T. i think its far too often that people just become a ball of conditioned reactions and this really stops them from seeing the pure potential within themselves[let alone others].as individuals its our job to stop the conditioning and through our example hope that others will stop their conditioning as well!